
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Oh You My Wallet!

    One day when I would go to English Course by public transportation or you can called that angkot, there was an embarrassed experience. First I sat in angkot then I was looking for my wallet to pay transport. But WOW! I was panic! I forgot to bring my wallet. Oh goodness how could I pay? If I said to the driver, he would be very angry! Oh you know I did a bravo things or.... embarrassed thing.. I pleaded one of passengers in that angkot. I told that I forgot to bring my wallet so I don`t know how could I pay this transport. And you know I asked her to pay that. "sorry madam, could you pay my transport?". Fortunately, she is a kind person. She said to me she will pay, but you know it was very embarrassing! It was like I pleaded to her to give me some money. Okay the reason isI will prepare my wallet before I go first:D

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