
Monday, April 29, 2013

Choosing your life

Here am I writing about my experience. for me life is about choosing, if you want to be a good ones you have be able to know it's good or not. You choose to become a smart, cool, silent, if you wan't to be a bad person it's probably easy just do before you think again. Life is about choosing, you want to be a success or not. Or you will give up or not? Or maybe you can choose with whom you can share your life.... But I try my self to become a good, of course... Hem but actually I thought a bad person think
that she or he is good, yap depend on something... But the real good is"you obey to your religion's rule,
You have to obey Allah swt.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Oh You My Wallet!

    One day when I would go to English Course by public transportation or you can called that angkot, there was an embarrassed experience. First I sat in angkot then I was looking for my wallet to pay transport. But WOW! I was panic! I forgot to bring my wallet. Oh goodness how could I pay? If I said to the driver, he would be very angry! Oh you know I did a bravo things or.... embarrassed thing.. I pleaded one of passengers in that angkot. I told that I forgot to bring my wallet so I don`t know how could I pay this transport. And you know I asked her to pay that. "sorry madam, could you pay my transport?". Fortunately, she is a kind person. She said to me she will pay, but you know it was very embarrassing! It was like I pleaded to her to give me some money. Okay the reason isI will prepare my wallet before I go first:D